Tuesday, July 27, 2010

7 month Appointment

Brady had his 7 month appointment in July! He did amazing with a few shots as usual.

22lbs 3oz
29.5 inches long


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Brady's 6 month pics

These are Brady's OFFICIAL 6 month pics! His room is a surfer theme, so all of his pictures are in the beach theme. A special thanks to Penland Photography in Pasadena for taking these fun pictures. click on pics for bigger image!

From Brady Henrichsen

Friday, July 2, 2010

Stylin and Profiling!!

Brady received the cutest Polo outfit from Bud and Dottie! he is such a stud!

my SPOON is too BIG!

Brady has discovered the awesome-ness of the kitchen tools!