Tuesday, June 15, 2010

6 month old!!

Brady is 6 months old today!!! WOW how time flies! He went to Dr. Goldberg today and was a CHAMP with his 3 shots he received!
Weight - 20lbs (95th percentile)
Height - 29 inches ( OFF THE CHART!!!)

He takes his 6month pics tomorrow, so we are excited to see how he has changed! He loves to have his picture taken at Penland! They know how to entertain babies!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

working really hard on the crawl

Trying to crawl....but opted for licking the floor!! thank goodness we have a good housekeeper!

Big boy!!

Brady is almost 6 months old!! i can't believe how fast time has flown by! we went to the doctor today b/c he had a bit of a head cold and they weighed him in at 20lbs 11oz! he is already sitting up and really REALLY wants to crawl....so here are some pics!

He is also sitting up like a big boy, so he likes to sit up in the bath and play with his duckies!!! Eric also like to play with them too!!