Sunday, April 25, 2010

Toe discovery

It is so cute watching him discover new things.

This weeks new find - TOES!

He loves sucking on his toes..... beats a pacifier i suppose!

4 months FABULOUS!

4 months have REALLY flown by!

Weight - 18lbs 1 oz.
Length - 26.25 inches
He is in the 95th % of both height and weight!! BIG BOY!!!

When he eats his food he likes to blow out while you put the food in his mouth! These pics are a green bean blow-out!!!

Lovin the bumbo

Brady LOVES his bumbo! He feels like a big boy when he sits in it!! These are a few pics from his Bumbo photo shoot!!

Rise and Shine!

Brady looks so cute in his goldfish jammies!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter fun!!

We went to Orangefield for Easter this year!! We had a great time with Grandma and then we went to spend the afternoon with Eric's side of the family. Great fun! i can't wait for next year when Brady is big enough to hunt Easter eggs with his cousins!!

So....the kid is pretty full of himself

Friday, April 2, 2010

PEAS on earth...

Brady was given the "green" light to try green food. We started with peas and it was qute an adventure. we have now moved on to green beans and he is really getting the hang of it.

Helping Summer move - it was a family affair!

We spent some time on the dock doing a photo shoot with Brady! It was a beautful day and we were happy to help Summer pack up and help her with her move to Miami!