Sunday, February 28, 2010


We have a happy baby on our hands!!! He is so photogenic and really has a way with the camera! I see modeling in his future! JUST KIDDING!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

my little monkey

The little monkey got a brand new sleep outfit from the Burton family! They are SO in love with Brady and love to babysit every chance they get!!! We are so blessed to have such great help and support around us daily!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Brady is 2 months old today!! WOW how time flies. We are doing really good. Working REALLY hard on sleeping through the night! We are also working on finding what works best to keep him from spitting up so much. YUM!
Measurements - 13lbs 14 oz & 24.25 inches long!!! HUGE BABY!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


We celebrated the Super Bowl with great friends and family and cheered for the Saints! Brady wore his new monkey football onesie for the occasion!!! It was a blast!!


Brady trying this popsicle was SERIOUSLY the funniest thing I have ever seen!! PRICELESS!