Saturday, January 30, 2010

He is growing like a weed...

Grandma came for a visit
Not quite Valentine's day yet, but its her favorite holiday!
So cute with his Valentine bib
Pimpin ain't easy...
Mia loves Brady

Monday, January 25, 2010

6 week check-up

Brady had his 6 week check up today and was quite the CHUNKY MONKEY!!! He weighed in at 12 lbs 10 oz (90th percentile) and 24 inches (95th percentile). He had to get 2 shots and he barely let out a cry! He is very tough! He has been snoozing a bit since we got home and only had a little bit of infant Tylenol in case of a slight fever. We are very proud!

Dr. Goldberg gave us some suggestions on getting him to sleep through the night, so we are going to give them a whirl tonight. WISH US LUCK!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Month 2 pics

Tummy Time!
Julie, Tristan and Riley visiting Brady
Julie and Brady
POOPED baby!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

boredom = Lot's of new Brady pics

The shirt is PRICELESS!
Trying to get the perfect smile pic....he hates the camera flash!
"Aunt" Lindsey
Sideways Brady! LOL
Auntie Sarah & Brady
Sarah and Dad visiting Brady
Family photo
Cousin Jones

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Celebration in Austin

So - we needed to introduce Brady to the Austin crew, so we decided to make the drive up to Austin on New Years Eve. We stayed with the Bergeron's and had an awesome time! My camera broke, so that is why there is a BIG space in time from Christmas pics and New Years pics!! I am very excited about the new camera so expect LOTS of Brady pic updates!
Pre-party napping
Alice, Emily and Sabrina
dressed to impress!!!
Marcie LOVES Brady

Kisses from Madisen!! SO CUTE!!
yeah!!! 2010!
1st kiss of 2010