Friday, December 24, 2010

1 year stats!


31 inches long

He is a stud...but of course I am partial.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

1 year ago today...

1 year ago today I went to work.
I was due on the 19th but just KNEW it was going to happen at any moment. Eric was no longer letting me drive because he was afraid I was going to go into labor while driving, so I had to be DRIVEN to my hair appointment by my Celebrity colonel Jamie. Eric then came and picked me up after my hair appointment, we went to Kroger to buy stuff to make the yummy chicken casserole. We went home, cooked and hung out watching tv. We then went to bed and ERIC fell asleep, but I of course was an insomniac! I started to feel the twinges of pain, but didn't think much of it. I started looking at my watch and keeping track between some point they became pretty regular but not unbareable. Finally after a while Eric woke up and was mad because I was still awake so i decided to tell him "I think I am in labor"....then the party started!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Brady's 1st Birthday Party

Sorry I have been a bad blogger lately! We have been very busy!

We had an amazing party and great turn out from family and friends. Brady is truly blessed and is definitley spoiled!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Zoo Day with the Camps!

Jentry and Karsyn at the zoo
Look at all of my teeth!!!
Having a blast!
new baby elephant at the zoo
Brady and daddy strolling through the zoo.
Auntie Lindsey and Brady at the aquarium

Brady loved the jellyfish
He is just like his daddy - loves sea life
check out my monkeytail!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day of Culture

Brady visited the Greek Festival and the Childrens museum for Sawyers birthday. He was such a sport!!! I love hanging with the family in the beautiful weather!!!

Fun with Grandma

Brady enjoying the day and hanging with Grandma outside on the porch!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Pictures

Big boy eater!!!
Do i have something on my face???

Hands in the mouth....chomp, chomp, chomp!!!

Bath Time fun! Lots of toys!

9 months old

Brady Vick is 9 months old! WOW - how time flies!!

Stats -
30 inches long (95th%)
24 lbs (95th%)

Fun Stats -
7 teeth
crawling around like crazy!!
Pulling up on everything
Cruising around from place to place
Not a lot of hair....still!

He is so funny and it warms my heart to see him smile at me! He has a great personality, but has that little red-headed sassiness too!

I can't wait to see what is around the corner!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

8 months old

Brady is 8 months old today! It has been a wild ride, but he is so fun and amazing!!! Life has changed for the better!!! I can't wait for our 9 month appointment to see how big he has grown!! He has 4 teeth coming in, so that has been exciting!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

7 month Appointment

Brady had his 7 month appointment in July! He did amazing with a few shots as usual.

22lbs 3oz
29.5 inches long


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Brady's 6 month pics

These are Brady's OFFICIAL 6 month pics! His room is a surfer theme, so all of his pictures are in the beach theme. A special thanks to Penland Photography in Pasadena for taking these fun pictures. click on pics for bigger image!

From Brady Henrichsen