Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Celebrations!!!

Nothing says Christmas like a cajun FRIED turkey!! Great job Eric and Donovan!!

"Uncle" Bryan and Brady

Eric, Brady and the puppies enjoying Christmas Day!!

Eric and Sophie all dressed up in their Christmas bows!!


Relaxing with my kiddos at Christmas

Dad doing his duty for the hungry baby

Grand-Dude with Brady

Mia and Sullivan with Brady

SOPHIE is really enjoying Brady's new toy moose!!


Sarah & MK

Jessica & Ashley
Cousins Sullivan & Jones
Amy and Yoanna
Great-Grandparents Mimi and PawPaw

Well we finally made it home and we have had LOTS of visitors!!!
Brady is already very popular with the ladies!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Heading home from the hospital

"Auntie" Em came to help us load up and leave!
Loaded up and ready to go! Of course it had to be raining on the day we leave the hospital.

Packing Brady up was a two person job!!! Since we had never dressed a newborn, we were quite the comedy team putting his clothes on and getting him ready to leave to go home!!

UP and ready to head home!!

Hospital Visitors

"Aunt" Roxann
"Aunt" Bonnie
Grandma and Aunt Sarah

Aunt Sarah

Brady Henrichsen has arrived!!!
December 15th, 2009
8lbs 12 oz
21 1/4 inches long